About GeoGoogle

GeoGoogle is an address standardization API. It standardizes addresses by utilizing google's geocoding service. You get a free geocoder service and an address standardizer all thanks to google.

This project is a client API to google's geocoding service, if you are looking for a offline solution (which has no usage limit), take a look at http://jgeocoder.sourceforge.net/ .

Keywords: geocoder java, kml parser, google address parser, google geocode java, geocode java API

Important Update

Google recently switched to an IP based Geocode limiting system, the limit now is 15K per IP per day . See here for details

Project Status

The core feature of the project is completed and very stable. You can use it in your own project. I am currently lookup for volunteers to help out in maintaining this project and to keep it from aging. If you are interested in helping out, send me a message at 'zl25-drexel AT gmail DOT com'. (You need to be reasonably proficient with Java, XML, Maven2 and open source development in general).

See http://sourceforge.net/people/?group_id=199700 about the help wanted ad.